You Don’t Quell a Storm by Battling It

You don’t quell a storm. Unless you’re Jesus…

Amanda Maney
8 min readMay 25, 2022
A watercolour of gentle waves lapping on sand.
Image by the author

Take 1: What would I like to be saying about life right now?

That life is fun and easy and enjoyable.

That I am thoroughly enjoying it.

That I am really pleased to be here.

That’s what I’d like to be saying about life right now.

But the truth is, I’m battling waves of emotion.

Grief. Sadness. Misery. Fear.

Wave upon wave upon wave of negative emotion.

(I know, we can say there’s no such thing as a ‘negative’ emotion. They all serve us. Let’s just say they all feel bloody awful.)

In this moment I long to give up and drown.

This is what I wrote at the start of my journaling today. Tears don’t stop me these days. I just keep writing as they roll down my cheeks.

I know now that there’s no battling the storm. It’s futile and wasteful and wearying.

Instead, I change direction. I steer towards calm waters. No efforting. Just steering.

I turn my attention, time and time again, to the way I’d like to be feeling. To the thoughts I’d like to find easy.

I’m amazed at what happens next. It’s nothing short of miraculous.

Here’s some more of my morning’s reflections…

Take 2: This is what I’d like to be thinking

That I feel the presence of non physical energy. Whatever you want to call it: Source, God, The Divine.

That I feel the presence of my sweet Michael.

That I enjoy life’s challenges. I hand them over and watch the brilliance of The Divine, sorting them out for me.

That I am inspired, prompted, living with my guides, my non physical team, my people who love me and guide me at every turn.

That I am generally joyful.

That I enjoy life.

That it’s easy to get back into Flow* when something has tipped me out of it.

That I love the process of lining myself back up with the energy of Flow. That it’s fun to pop out and find my way back in.

That I feel loved and safe and secure. That I am confident that every desire is fulfilled. That I have only to ask and it is given...

That Michael is with me, guiding me and loving me, more now than ever before. That I feel him, hear him, see him all around me and I know I am guided and safe.

That this has been a lovely day which I have enjoyed to the full. That it is easy to keep my balance, to find my way back into joy when I am out of alignment for a bit.

That I know for sure that whatever I ask for is given. And that I can line up easily with the receiving of it.

That I am glad to be here.

That life is good. It’s easy and joyful and beautiful.

That I can hand over my concerns and troubles and sadness. That it is all taken care of. I am taken care of.

That’s what I’d like to be thinking…

Time to bridge the gap… I’m still crying, but I can do this.

Here’s where I find thoughts to build on my beliefs. Thoughts that will take me from where I feel I am to where I want to be…

Take 3: Thoughts to bridge the gap

I know I feel awful because of the gap.

The gap between what is and what I want it to be.

I desire a different reality. I can’t see how I can get there. All I can feel is the lack of what I want.

The lack of my Beloved, sitting here next to me.

The lack of security around money.

The lack of desire to even be here struggling to weather this storm…

The gap that hurts is that gap between my thoughts about current ‘reality’ — thoughts of hopelessness and lack — and the reality I long for, the deep felt desires of my heart.

The gap shows me I’m focused on lack, rather than on desires in their fulfilment.

Understandable enough, but not helpful. Focusing on lack simply creates more lack. The emotions that go with it are my guide.

They feel awful. My emotions scream at me… “Change course! Change course NOW!”

I know emotions are temporary.

I know that thoughts are attractive.

I know that when I’m out of the Flow, it takes focus to steer myself back in.

I know that effort is not the way.

I know that I can do this. I’ve done it before.

I know that when my worrisome, story-filled, sad, sad ‘I’ is released, there is stillness and silence and relief.

I know that it is possible to be right where I am and feel good. I know that that is what I want.

I know that this directing of emotional state is a vibrational journey, steered by my every thought.

I know this can be done. I know I am good at this. I am very good at this.

I know I can bring myself back to feeling better. I am doing it right now.

I know that I direct my Self by focusing on the feelings I want to be feeling, then letting go and letting the Flow take me there. Like a craft on fast waters.

I turn the rudder. Then hang on. No efforting. No battling the storm. Direct my craft towards calm waters and hang on.

I’m on my way.

Now to future pace. I move my thoughts to what I’d like to be thinking at the end of this day.

Fewer tears now, there is some slight sense of progress. No puppy dogs and rainbows, but I feel less acutely awful than I did a little while ago.

Take 4: At the end of this day, I would love to be saying…

That was a great day! I did so well. I’ve achieved such a lot — getting back into my Flow by scripting my way in…

I followed my inspiration once I’d set my intention for the way I wanted to feel.

I trusted my instincts to guide me and they did.

I Connected**my way into alignment with ***Self.

I Connected and guidance followed.

I Connected. By whatever means seemed best at the time.

I’ve moved work projects forward beautifully today, even after a diabolical start.

I’m in alignment with Self.

I’m enjoying the busy-ness of working for others.

I’m enjoying enjoying — ‘doing’ solely for the pleasure it brings.

Every time I have asked for help, I have received the guidance I’ve needed.

It’s been a great day!

I don’t need to battle against the waves.

I don’t quell the storm.

I steer out of its way.

I focus, ask and then distract the fearful, tearful ‘I’ long enough to allow The Divine to move in.

Fewer tears again. I’m approaching calmer waters…

Take 5: Focus on feelings desired…

Now I focus on how I want to feel: Joyful. Eager. Confident and sure.

I want to enjoy what life is calling forth — the collaborative projects, the writing of blogs and books, the garden, the whatever else… shopping, cooking et al.

I want to feel satisfied that I’ve enjoyed the day and accomplished much in the enjoying of it.

I want to feel grounded and Connected with The Divine — with Michael, Abraham et al.

“Lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely!”

That’s what I want to be saying to myself as I live this day.

Good. I’ve done all that’s required. A few more tears, I’m not resisting them now.

I don’t do the next bit.

The Divine works now.

I relax, distract the fretsome ‘I’, bring myself into receiving mode.

So now, to a simple, procedural task, occupy the mind while the Flow carries me round…

Now, let go

Okay. Off I go. Food I think.

This is the piece I tend to forget. I want to feel marvellous by the end of my journalling. That’s not generally how it works. I have to let go of the storm at this point and go do some simple task instead. Otherwise, I’m battling those waves again.

We don’t quell the storm by battling it.

We don’t quell the storm.

We direct our Selves towards calm waters and then let the current do its work while we get on with the simple tasks of the day.

Relief follows.

I was still teary when I went to get food, but I knew well enough to let go of the storm-wrestling.

A piece of toast later, I was ready to absorb myself in a beckoning task. Schedule meetings with 22 strangers to gather information on a project over the next six weeks… oh boy!

Soon I was smiling as I got to grips with the wonders of Calendly! Glory be!

Enjoying life seemed an impossibility at the start of my day.

The power of scripting — it’s miraculous.

If it feels good, try it!

Write about the life you’d like to be living, writing it even through tears. Then let go. Let the currents take you there.

Two big takeaways

  • For me the first big takeaway is: I don’t have to feel it yet. Simply describing it, penning words that direct my Soul-craft towards it is enough.

I don’t pretend I have my desired outcomes — I acknowledge the reality of desires fully-forming in my thoughts.

I don’t use affirmations in an attempt to ‘create’ — I say what’s true: directing focus towards the calm waters I know I’d enjoy.

I’d really love X… I want to be saying Y…

I bring attention to the emotions I want to feel now.

  • Then I must let go. That’s my second big takeaway. I still need to remind myself to let go.

At the end of the day…

I was stunned, reading back over my journal at the end of yesterday.

It was astonishing to read through all the statements of how I’d wanted to think and feel, and — so soon afterwards — feel aligned with them all.

The statements of desired thoughts and feelings were enjoyable as I read them back to myself. Even ones as yet unrealised.

The still to fulfil desires — to feel my Connection, to find Flow and live predominantly there — these desires felt so good to me as I reflected back on my day. Not because I’d manifested them — I hadn’t. But because I felt in alignment with their unfolding. No longer lackful and longing and needy for more.

This was an incredibly good day.

The magic of the written word

What magic, to wield a pen or keyboard and bring oneself round from despair into joy!

What power to see life transform through the tears!

It doesn’t get better than that, really, does it?

With every encouragement to you Dear One,

Yours, in ever-increasing joy,


P.S. I did some scripting this morning after wobbling a bit into worry about money… Followed the exact same flow described here. Got myself feeling so much better once I let go.

Within an hour, I received a phone-call with an offer of work — almost unlimited — with plenty of money flowing my way…

I tell you, the pen isn’t just mightier than the sword, it’s a veritable magic wand! I dare you, give it a go!

If you’d like any help, get in touch!

*Flow, for me = Joy. Who I Really Am. It also equates to the Vortex, from the teachings of Abraham — see

**Capital C for Connection with the un-nameable… Divine Energy / Flow / The Vortex / God…

***Capital S for Self meaning the Inner Self, the authentic I…



Amanda Maney
Amanda Maney

Written by Amanda Maney

Joy-finder. Enthusiast. Alignment coach - Enneagram author/trainer.

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